smart ring

Ultrahuman Smart Ring: Track Your Fitness

Ultrahuman Smart Ring: Track Your Fitness

Ultrahuman, an Indian startup, has introduced a smart ring that it claims will offer wearers “ultrahuman power.” And by “ultrahuman power,” the company refers to a fitness tracker that analyses your metabolism by observing your movements and sleep. For more thorough metabolic tracking, the company’s M1 glucose monitoring patch can also be utilized with the …

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Nextgen Smart Ring: Introducing Noise Luna Ring

Nextgen Smart Ring: Introducing Noise Luna Ring

As we step deeper into the realm of wearable technology, the boundary between fashion and function becomes increasingly blurred. The Noise Luna Ring, the latest addition to this growing landscape, exemplifies this trend. A product of Noise, a rapidly emerging tech company known for its smart wearables, the Luna Ring is an innovative piece of …

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